
Sunday, 26 August 2012

Road to 100K - Week 1

Hello and welcome to a brand new feature here on Robloxia Today!

I'm looking to get 100,000 R$ by trading my way up from just a starting budget of 5000R$.

I originally bought some limiteds with this money and these are them:

Troll Pet 525
Robot Patriot 300
Moustache Warrior 250
Dark Northern Conqueror 250
Dark Lord 600
Twilight Emperor 599
Mischief Maker 300
The Reckoner 475
Courageous Warrior King 250
Red Monster League Baseball Cap 145
Z Ray Gun 1500

I actually spent 194R$ over, but that is besides the point! I then started to trade my way up. I completed quite a few trades and got rid of 2 or 3 hats to get a more valuable one. Sometimes I traded 1 expensive hat for 4 smaller ones, just so I had some extra "change" that I could spend to make the RAPs a bit closer so the other person was more likely to accept.

Now I have quite a few limiteds, which you can check out on my profile. I have added up their Recent Average Prices (RAP) and so far I have got:

32,661 R$

However, I must add that I did have some quite valuable limiteds before I started trading, however quite a lot of them have been upgraded, and I've made around 1500R$ profit on trades so far! This is now where the work begins! I have 32,661R$ but this is set to go up pretty slowly from now on, after I have included all the limiteds I have.

I hope to see y'all again tomorrow when I will do Week 2, Day 1! 
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