
Sunday, 11 March 2012

ROBLOX Reviews: After the Flash: Sandstorm vs Military Rescue Mission

Edition #14
Wow, its been almost a month since the last ROBLOX Review! Sorry about that! Hopefully a normal schedule should be running from now until about May/June when I have more exams, but hopefully the other staff members will keep you updated!

Lets crack on with todays reviews!

Idea: 8/10
The idea behind this game seems to be very original though I have seen a similar game before. However, the games actual idea is a bit confused because you have weapons but nothing to use them on, at least, I couldn't find any in 10 minutes of playing.

Gameplay: 6/10
Because I couldn't find anything to shoot the gameplay soon got boring. It lags A LOT too and crashed my laptop 5 times before I could actually play.

Scripting: 7/10
There isn't a lot of scripting as far as I could tell, however it all works well. Such as picking your weapons and getting morphed. It works nicely but there could be more dynamic scripting.

Environment: 10/10
One thing that really catches your eye with this game is the outstanding environment. It is incredibly detailed and is super realistic. Its large and dynamic, however this comes at a price; its 14,000 bricks and alot of lag that comes from that. However, once the game has passed the 5 minute mark the lag drops noticeably.

Enjoyment: 7/10
I think this is a heavily-role-playing place. If you like that kind of thing then you can go around with your friends and shoot imaginary things! (I say that but mobs might exist!) Its also a great environment to explore!

Idea: 6/10
The idea has been used countless times before; rescue people who are fending off Zombies. Although this game is fairly creative with its use of rescue methods. Helicopters, Jets, Boats and more!

Gameplay: 7/10
You need to kill Zombies to survive until a rescue vehicle arrives to take you back to the aircraft carrier. Its fun, but theres nothing special about the zombies or the guns. If you are going to rescue people, fly or drive ashore and rescue them, however, theres not much space to land.

Scripting: 4/10
There is little scripting in this game apart from driving a vehicle, but I've seen the same GUI before. The guns work nicely however.

Environment: 5/10
The environment is a bit lack-luster. Its very plain and boring, however the carrier where the rescuers start is very good looking indeed. 

Enjoyment: 6/10
This game could be enjoyed if you played with friends or like rescuing people, however I think that little scripting and a boring environment make the game not very enjoyable.
Final Scores
Idea: 8/10 vs 6/10
After the Flash: Sandstorm wins!

Gamplay: 6/10 vs 7/10
Military Rescue Mission wins!

Scripting: 7/10 vs 4/10
After the Flash: Sandstorm wins!

Environment: 10/10 vs 5/10
After the Flash: Sandstorm wins!

Enjoyment: 7/10 vs 6/10
After the Flash: Sandstorm wins!

With 4 wins out of 5, the winner is

After the Flash: Sandstorm! 


  1. Hey it's me, chadthedestroyer2. Thanks for the wonderful review! I've begun the process of listening to the fanbase more so I've decided to make two versions of ATF3. One non-lag version (current version, with the removal of a subzone or two) and one full version (all subzones, along with killing guns).

  2. Omg chad the destroy. Was here I love atf except the japan One

  3. Omg chad the destroy. Was here I love atf except the japan One

  4. I wonder when the non lag will come out. The original version is the full game so I mostly play that. Props on the idea though, it is enjoyable.
