
Sunday, 29 January 2012

ROBLOX Reviews: ROBLOX Derby vs Lakeside

Edition #10
Hello and welcome to ROBLOX Reviews! Its back! So, lets get on with the places today! Theres been a slight change in ROBLOX Reviews since we last spoke. Now, to make sure we can get out as many ROBLOX Reviews as possible, I'll play each place for 5 - 10 minutes, write up my report and then compare final scores. However, you probably won't notice this change.

Idea: 10/10
The idea for this game is very good and original. Essentially, you drive around and crash into other cars, destroying them for points. Its very cool and addictive, blowing stuff up.

Gameplay: 8/10
The gameplay of this game is very good and original. By bashing into other vehicles you get points and this helps you to level up and unlock better vehicles with different abilities and strengths.
Scripting: 9/10
There is a fair amount of scripting in this game and it all works brilliantly. From regenerating a vehicle to levelling up and unlocking more. And to destroying other peoples vehicles. It works brilliantly.

Environment: 3/10
The environment is the major downfall of this game. It is incredibly boring. Some effort has been put in and there are some ramps, but otherwise its just a large green baseplate. Its not very good at all.

Enjoyment: 8/10
Even though the environment is poor, the game is still very enjoyable to play. It is really fun to go around and destroy everyones vehicles! The scripting works well and you will find yourself playing for ages trying to reach the next level and the next vehicle.

Idea: 7/10
Lakeside is just another RP place.  Its a new game created by playrobot who is, of course, the creator of the famous Robloxiaville. Theres not much difference here, except for the environment. Overall, its an okay idea but its not great

Gameplay: 5/10
If you enjoy roleplay this might be higher, if you don't it might be lower. I don't really mind it, but this place gets a low score because it is incredibly laggy. After a few minutes though it does get a bit easier to walk around...

Scripting: 7/10
The scripting in this game is pretty much the same as in Robloxiaville, so its not exactly new. There are some new graphics though. However, the scripting still works well and is good.

Environment: 8/10
The environment, unlike at ROBLOX Derby, is one of the best things about this game. It is a large town, on the side of a lake. Well, it is called Lakeside.
It has nice detail and is a very good touch to this game, its very realistic so it should be good to roleplay in if you like that kind of thing.

Enjoyment: 6/10
Its not very enjoyable, because the lag might put you off. This rating is purely my opinion. I don't mind roleplay as I said above. Some people might really like this and some might hate it.

Final Scores

Idea: 10/10 vs 7/10
Gameplay: 8/10 vs 5/10
Scripting: 9/10 vs 7/10
Environment: 3/10 vs 8/10
Enjoyment: 8/10 vs 6/10
With 4 wins out of 5, the winner is


  1. Thanks for the opinion. The reason why I don't add a detailed environment to the game is because I'm afraid it will collide with bonus rounds or cause the most hated lag. I have considered though possibly changing the map to ROBLOX Derby and doing away with the boring out-door terrain. I was thinking of an indoor derby ring. I have made attempts to change the map in the past, but it ended up causing drastic server lag. Though it took two days to design the new terrain, it only took 30 minutes until I had to take it off.
