
Wednesday 9 November 2011


Yes, thats right. Now, even though I don't have a schedule, since the weekend is when I have the most time to do anything I want, I've been thinking about a posting schedule. I was thinking it like this:

Monday: Any ROBLOX updates, if any.
Tuesday: Any ROBLOX updates, if any or competition or review.
Wednesday: Any ROBLOX updates, if any.
Thursday: Any ROBLOX updates, if any.
Friday: Review & Any ROBLOX updates, if any.
Saturday: Video tutorial or written tutorial.
Sunday: Review or written tutorial.

So thats what I'll trying to be going by from today but there are no guarantees that I'll stick to it. This depends on how busy I am. There shouldn't be anything going on apart from school and any holidays I've got from now till the end of the year as I've already had all my orthodontist appointments this year (next one is next year in January to get my bottom brace tightened) and I've had my two teeth out this week so unless something pops up in the meantime, I will try to stick to this schedule as much as I can. But as I said, there will be no promises. Anyway, I'll let you carry on reading and bloxxing. :)

See you around guys!

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